Jan Gantar

Jan Gantar


+386 590 39 770

After graduating, Jan worked as an intern at a law office in Vienna and has been working in advocacy ever since. He advises on issues of constitutional, civil and commercial law. As a long-term president of the Disciplinary Commission at the Chess Association of Slovenia, he also has experience in the field of association law. He operates in Slovene and English language.


  • State Bar Exam
  • Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Master of Laws (2017)
  • Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Bachelor of Laws (2015)


  • Slovenia Bar Association


  • Radbruchova formula v aktih avtonomnih organizacij, Pravna praksa (2020)
  • Odloki in odredbe z zakonsko močjo, Pravna praksa (2020)
  • Pravni vidiki šaha in primerljivih iger, Pravna praksa (2020)
  • Izključitev pravice do povračila škode zaradi neuporabe pravnih sredstev?, Pravna praksa (2019)
  • Objektivna ali krivdna odškodninska odgovornost države po 26. členu Ustave?, Pravna praksa (2018)
Jan Gantar
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